Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New Addition to our Family ^^

Hello My Darlings! ^^/

My apologies for the recent silence on the blogging scene.
Again. ^^; It`s become embarrassingly frequent tho I sooo
want to post more. Time just flies by for some reason. O.o;
Gomennasai! m(_ _)m

Anyhoops, the main(e..hint hint) reason I`ve been so busy
lately is that after Xmas we welcomed a new baby girl
into our evergrowing family. =^^= <3

Meet Hana~Chan! ^^ (`Little Flower`)

Hana~chan is a 5month old Maine Coon girl with grey and white fur.
Her back fur has a little heart shape which is totally adorable. ^^<3

She`s such a beautiful girl and definitely Mamma`s special baby. ^^<3
She cuddles in my arms for hours, purring away. ^^<3
Tho now that she`s been introduced to her big brothers Nero and Tigger
and allowed to roam around the house more freely, she`s growing
more curious and has less time for my squishing. XD Ah well, love that
she`s a strong willed little lady. ^^d

Thankies for looking.  b^^d

Until next time,

much love from the furry family =^^=
